the brain

what a wonderful brain

Imagine these scenarios:

  • If one has cancer, will you tell the person to snap out of it? 

  • If one has a painful tooth, would you tell the person to toughen it up? 

  • If one has diabetes, will you give more sweets and sugar to the person? 

  • Or if one injures their ankle, will you push the person to continue running and endure the pain?

I bet you would say no to some of these, let alone any of them. Then when one is anxious and depressed, why do we tell people to be strong and cheer up instead of getting professional and clinical support?

  • "Strengthen your faith. Pray." 

  • "You must be so ungrateful." 

  • "You have everything and anything you could ask for. You should be grateful."

the brain is also an organ, a vital part of the body. Just like any body organs, our brain is susceptible to sickness, injuries, and definitely, DEFINITELY, worthy of attention and care.

Our brain is undoubtedly one of, if not the essential organ in our body. It's responsible for controlling and coordinating our actions and reactions, allowing us to think and feel, and giving us memories and feelings - all things that make us human. Even though it only weighs three pounds*, it's a highly complex organ of many parts. Thanks to years of scientific study, scientists have identified different areas of our brains and determined their specific functions. 

if and when your brain is injured, may I invite you to give compassion to yourself? When you know someone struggling with mental health, may I invite you to give them grace?

I hope we will one day embrace the importance of mental health, free of the negative stigma. Just as we appreciate maintaining excellent dental hygiene, may we also practice great mental hygiene.

Oh! If you’re wondering, “Aycee, is your brain injured?” Yes, my brain is injured and I have a clinical team to support me on my healing journey.


How about you? What are your thoughts? Will you be open to sharing your thoughts with me? If yes, email me at


*Brain anatomy. Princeton Brain, Spine, and Sports Medicine


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